Thursday, May 1, 2014

Paleo breakfast

It is rightly said that a healthy breakfast is necessary for a good day. And there is nothing more healthy and nutritious than a palette of Paleo breakfast. The concept of such a breakfast dates back to centuries. Back in the days and we mean really really back in the days, when Palaeolithic humans existed they introduced to the world the concept of a non agricultural diet. The paleo diet simply consisted of almost everything that had nothing to do with agriculturally grown products such as the grains, refined salt, processed oils, legumes, dairy products etc.
The Paleo breakfast to this day remains a bit of controversy. The reason is that the Paleo diet followers and preachers have regarded agricultural products as disease laden. Their belief is that even without eating agricultural products they can easily mimic the benefits by just consuming Paleo diet. Well the topic is still a hotly debated between nutritionists, anthropologists, doctors, scientists and dietitians.

Paleo breakfast is however a hale and hearty way of living. It consists of all those nutrients that are required by the human body and it keeps you fit and healthy. The concept of Paleo diet emerges from the fact that it is low in unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It is also low in Trans fats, which is a by-product of hydrogenation of oils. All these are considered to be extremely unhealthy and can cause sever heart and cholesterol problems. Paleo breakfast consists of pasture fed meat and therefore it is high in Omega 3 content. Omega 3 is considered to be an elixir for high cholesterol patients.

When we talk about the energy density and the micronutrients density, the Paleo diet is moderately rich in both. This makes Paleo diet a preferred choice not only in breakfast but also for meals throughout the day. Due to moderate presence of energy or calories in Paleo breakfast, the person feels satiated throughout the day. This is especially beneficial to those who are obese or are overweight and are looking to some flab. Even dieticians have agreed with Paleo diet expert that having an early morning Paleo diet is a quick yet healthy way of loosing weight. When we talk about the more important aspect of diet that is the micronutrient content, we find that the diet is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. The presence of sea food in the diet adds extra amount of selenium, iron, copper and other essential nutrients. However the only drawback in a Paleobreakfast is that it falls short of Vitamin D and calcium. Since it excludes any dairy product from the menu, the intake of calcium reduces. This may lead to weak bones and arthritis. However this can be overcome if calcium and vitamin D supplements are taken.

With this we really hope you would have a fair idea about the nutritional value of the Paleo breakfast. Various recipes and cookbooks are available to help you cook a perfect paleo dish.  With this article we hope you can make an informed decision on the course of your diet and can stay fit, fine and healthy for a long time. 

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